As a business owner, entrepreneur, boss we often are working with very slim budgets or at least we often believe that we need to have a lavish budget to produce content and compete with the "Big Dogs" of our industries. I often here very successful people suggest that you if you want to take your success to another level you should hire a coach. I have found that it is not as easy as they make it seem, even though I have not given up hope and until my budget gets a little better I have another solution, Podcast. Yes Podcasting I have found to be an amazing (short-term, budget restricted) supplement to coaching as you can ear hustle on some of the best conversations from some of the smartest people on the planet. The only requirements are time and data and you can be easily on you way to gaining insights, suggestions, tools, stories and more from the best. Here are 5 of my favorite podcast :
Book Suggestion: I had the opportunity of watching a Facebook live with the Harvard Business Review Facebook Page and they had a speaker named Dorie Clark and she was amazing. She was speaking of gigs and the time that it takes to really get your business going as a consultant, marketer, coach, blogger and more. I am not completely finished with the book, however so far truly amazing and you will not be disappointed. (See book below). Just remember "Your Brand" is you and you should always be investing in something towards your brand development i.e time, money, and effort. If you do not have the money then invest time,if you have money, then do both, but by all means, please do something.
AuthorDuane Cofield over 15 years selling Cocaine from the age of 11 in the gritty streets of South East San Diego. I know the "game" in and out and very few can show me something new..I am now a business owner and professor of business a a few Southern California Universities. I am available for consulting, speaking, coaching. Please subscribe to the Official Drug Dealers to Businessmen You Tube Channel Here Archives
December 2020